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Episode 185: Flashback Files: Mediums of Horror 3 featuring Wi-Moto Nyoka

Last updated on September 3, 2024

Our Flashback Files, interviews previously published on Patreon and now available for all, continue with Sara Century speaking with Wi-Noto Nyoka of Black Women Are Scary. This episode originally appeared on Patreon on April 6, 2022

Sara got to chat with the wonderful Wi-Noto Nyoka of Black Women Are Scary, one of our very favorite horror podcasts out there! They chat about everything from the importance of Xena and Buffy to how sad but important The Land Before Time Was to, oh right, horror podcasting!

Wi-Moto’s website is here, Twitter is here, and Black Women Are Scary’s Twitter is here, so follow those immediately! Many links to listen to Black Women Are Scary here!

Bitches on Comics cohost Monika Estrella Negra recently appeared on an episode of the podcast, which you can listen to here!

And, Wi-Moto appeared on Bitches on Comics Episode 139: I’m telling you what I’m afraid of that you can find here!

While Bitches on Comics is on hiatus to deal with some personal matters, we’re also busy behind the scenes making sure we come back stronger than ever. If you want to help us in this work, please support us by joining our Patreon Community where you can hear over 100 great interviews and episodes like the one you’re listening to right now!