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Episode 186: Flashback Files: Mediums of Horror 4 featuring Leila Latif

Last updated on September 3, 2024

Our Flashback Files, interviews previously published on Patreon and now available for all, continue with Sara Century speaking with Leila Latif. This episode originally appeared on Patreon on July 7, 2022

The fourth episode of Mediums of Horror is here! Our guest this time around is Leila Latif, who is a contributing editor at Total Film as well as the host of Truth & Movies: A Little White Lies Podcast. Read her articles, check out her website and/or follow her on Twitter, for she is great!

Sara met Leila because she wrote an article that she edited for Final Girls UK about The Howling in 2021! This episode has us chatting about the value of criticism but buckle up because we go on some tangents.

While Bitches on Comics is on hiatus to deal with some personal matters, we’re also busy behind the scenes making sure we come back stronger than ever. If you want to help us in this work, please support us by joining our Patreon Community where you can hear over 100 great interviews and episodes like the one you’re listening to right now!