Here’s the deal: we’re making our episodes available for free because we’re all about breaking down barriers. But, if you enjoy what we’re creating, we could use your support via Patreon.
You can also provide us with a one-time donation in support of Bitches on Comics and all our Queer Spec projects at:

We love comic books, we love this work, and we want to keep doing it. Will you help us make that happen?
If you’re new to Patreon, it’s a membership platform that makes it easier for creative folks to fund their work. Patrons can support creative projects like Bitches on Comics at a variety of tiers–from $2 to $20 a month. Each tier of support gets access to additional content–from a whole lotta love from the co-hosts (sometimes on air) to additional episodes and reading lists. Every contribution helps Bitches on Comics continue and improve our work.
Can you join us on Patreon or buy us a coffee at whatever level works for you?
Love the pod, but don’t have the extra dough? Show us some love by giving us a 5-star Review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, PodChaser, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Bitches on Comics episodes are available for free because we’re dedicated to making comics more welcoming and friendly to all audiences, particularly LGBTQ+ folks and women readers. That said, we really do rely on support from listeners via Patreon to keep the podcast going. Even $2 a month makes a difference–and $20 a month can both allow us to dedicate time to Bitches on Comics, as well as hiring other freelancers and Bitches to join us in making this podcast exceptional. We are also open to sponsorships.
I’m interested in sponsoring Bitches on Comics. Where can I learn more?
We’re pumped that you’re interested in sponsoring our awesome podcast. Email us to get a conversation started: We’re particularly interested in working with LGBTQ-owned businesses and LGBTQ-serving organizations. Bitches on Comics is dedicated to editorial independence.
I have an idea for a segment. Can I be a Bitch on Comics?
We’re all Bitches on Comics here, so consider yourself included. If you have an idea for a segment, send us an email with a 1-2 paragraph description, anticipated length, and any other pertinent information at:
We are currently determining if and how we can compensate guest hosts.